Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

I hope everybody had a fun 4th of July, I know we did! The rain was a little present in the morning, but cleared up nicely for the afternoon and evening. Here are some fun pics of our day!

First we went to the Redmond 3rd Ward breakfast and Kids' Parade.


Then we spent the evening with Don and Jill, and Grandma and Grandpa T down in Tacoma. We had a BBQ and fireworks.



Kali and JT said...

I heard it wasn't so much of a Barbeque as it was an oven cookoff! looks like you guys had a ton of fun and the kids are cute as always. :) miss you guys. if you ever get a movie of baby josh talking post it.

Sarah said...

It was kind of weird... it's always been a pancake breakfast, but with power outages they had muffins instead. It was still fun, though. We don't have any movies of Baby Josh talking yet, since he doesn't talk. He did try to say "Thank you" today, which was a big moment for him! He just talks with pointing and noises mostly. Valerie's WAAAAAAYYY ahead of him that way.