Thursday, October 23, 2008

What NOT to do with BBQ sauce

OK. So don't put a sealed bottle of BBQ sauce in the microwave, everybody! Josh learned this the hard way today :)

He wanted to combine two almost empty bottles into one, and figured he could warm one up and it would pour faster. Fine thinking... nothing wrong with that theory. BUT, he neglected to either loosen or take off the lid. After 20 seconds, I can hear a crazy hissing coming from the microwave (and I was in the Living Room!) He hears it too and quickly yanks the door to the nuker open. The jar has expanded to a crazy size and shape, and it's spitting sauce. He prompty shut it again thinking it was going to explode, and he didn't want to have it blow up on his face.
It stopped spitting, and didn't explode, but might have if he hadn't stopped it's cooking.

But we have a funky new BBQ jar now, lol. It kind of looks like blown glass, all shiny and round. So remember to remove your lids, people!! And just in case you're wondering, it didn't make the sauce run any faster. Take it from Heinz, good things come to those who wait. Squeeze the pickle.


Conner said...

HAHAHAHA!!! That's my brother. I like microwaving potatoes...they blow up good