Thursday, December 18, 2008

Walkin in a Winter Wonderland

We've been having snow on and off since Saturday! Big deal for here, since we're all hills. So Isabel hasn't had school all week, and right now it's still snowing, and doesn't look like it will melt any time soon. Josh is driving back and forth from work with chains on (whoa!) so everything takes longer to do. We're avoiding driving at all. But all the snow makes for some fun play time. Here are some pics of our fun snow sculpting:
We built a fort, which is now even more sturdy thanks to another 3" of snow on top of it
And we built some snowmen (a whole lot bigger and better than Beckett's, lol)
We actually had a different pair of snowmen, but some rowdy teenagers decided to tackle them. Made us really mad, but we just built a new pair instead. I want to see them take these ones down without getting hurt, these ones are now ICE! It warmed up to about 35 degrees and then refroze, so all our creations are here for a while, even after the snow melts.