Sunday, January 11, 2009

Why we live on a hill....

and not in a valley!

This happens EVERY year! Every spring when the snow starts to melt and the massive torrents of rain hit, the valleys all flood. And still people choose to live there! It's like living in a trailer park in Kansas, the tornado is going to have a target on your house.
So why do people choose to live in a flood plain in Washington when we have thousands of hills that won't flood? I don't get it. It's not like this is a new thing, it happens every year, but we always have to act surprised when it does and feel bad for the people who chose not to move after LAST YEAR'S flood.
Makes for some pretty cool pictures though, I took the kids on a drive around Snohomish "Lake" (usually it's a river) and it took us about 6 miles to reach the end of it. And that was just heading south. I have no idea how far north of the river the flood extended. These were taken about 24 hours after the river crested, it got almost to record heights this year! Maybe some of those effected will be ready to sell their property and move to higher ground. It seems it gets worse each year.... go live on a hill!