Sunday, August 23, 2009

Buzzing noises...

So it seems that this year has been particularly bad for bees, wasps, hornets, etc up here. Lucky us! The other day Josh was mowing the lawn and was swarmed with them by our juniper, so in closer looking he found there was a nest in the ground beneath it. We sprayed two whole cans of hive killer into it, and the next day he dug it out. Here's what he found!

Hornets, lots and lots of them. Now for somebody who was so severely allergic to stings as a kid, Josh has no fear. He split the hive open and messed with it just because he was curious. You couldn't have gotten me to touch it with a stick, lol. At least it's been found and destroyed, I'm happy with that!


Thinking in Color said...

ACK!!!!! SCARY!! I killed a black widow yesterday. LOL I'm pretty proud of myself for that. LOL