Monday, May 3, 2010

The joys of Spring?

I was in the shower a little bit ago after my run, with Caleb in a couple of inches of water splashing at my feet. I was rudely interrupted from my almost kid free bliss by the bathroom door opening, and a little voice saying, "Mom, can I get in the shower?" Of course, my answer is, "No. Go back out." A couple minutes later another monster came in. "Mom, I need a shower." "No, get out." is my reply. A couple minutes later they are BOTH in the bathroom, "Mom, we need a shower." "Wait for me to finish mine." I reply. But they stay in the bathroom. "Why aren't you going out?" "Because Daddy says we have to have a shower."
"Because we're muddy."
Now I poke my head out to see.... and this is what I found.


Kali and JT said...

hahahah I just love this story. I can totally hear them saying they need showers but not letting it slip WHY until they have to :) love those kids