Thursday, January 14, 2010

3 months

Can you believe it? I'm three months old already!

My toes are still cute, just bigger.

My hair has changed a lot... remember that full head of hair I used to have? I have replaced it with a mohawk...

and a mullet!

No more stick legs for me.

But I have kept my bright eyes and silly facial expressions.

I love Little Miss Sunshine and her friends, they are my girlfriends. We hang out every day.

Get this! I wear cloth diapers now. But no pins and plastic pants for me... I get cool Fuzzi Bunz with bright colors.

Aren't I just so cute?


Katie said...

Yes!! You are so cute Caleb!! Love all the pictures! And now I think I'm going to do cloth diapers too, you've inspired me. The orange fuzzi bunz did me in, lol.

Sarah said...

I originally thought I'd just want white so that I could bleach them, but I'm totally loving the bright colors. So we have a bunch of white, then some red, orange, :) If you find out you're having a girl, I have some pink and purple ones I'll send ya. I bought some collections, and those were in there too.