Friday, January 1, 2010

Party like it's 1999!

That song always pops into my head for New Years. But maybe I don't want to party like it's 1999? That year I graduated from college, moved home, then back to Provo where my friends and life were. I thought my life was full then, but really had no idea what a full life was really like. So reflecting on what I have now that I didn't then comes up with a huge list. I didn't have my little family of me, Josh and four busy kids. We didn't have this home, even just last year. And those things are way more important to me now than any of the things that I thought were important back then. I didn't have drawings on my fridge made by my kids (but I didn't have drawings on my walls either) I didn't get little love notes every day. I was having fun and partying in 1999, but there was a lot that I didn't even realize was missing in my life.

So as I sit here just after midnight listening to the neighbors lighting off their illegal fireworks and the neighbor kids banging pots and pans with spoons (which makes me laugh because my mother in law does that still, even though her kids won't do it with her anymore) I think I'd rather party like it's 2009, or rather 2010. We'll stick with our quiet party of watching movies with the kids, drinking Martinelli's out of plastic cups, and then sending the kids right to bed. Happy New Years everybody! Party like it's 2010 :)